New design wing opens for Shanghai Museum of Glass Park 5th anniversary

In honour of the fifth anniversary of the Shanghai Museum of Glass Park, a new Design Wing designed by COO was unveiled yesterday. Hosting a party of over 200 guests, our team joined the Park family for a fun-filled afternoon of music, food, performances, and design. Official opening ceremonies were held for both the Design Wing, a standalone building off the main hall of the Shanghai Museum of Glass, as well as the brilliant glass bridge connecting the two structures, the Golden Fire Bridge.

Previously, COO has teamed up with Shanghai Museum of Glass Park to create their Shanghai Museum of Glass and Kids Museum of Glass, the Rainbow Chapel, and both exhibitions of Keep it Glassy, among other spaces on site such as KILN.

Zhang Lin, President of Shanghai Museum of Glass Park, is pleased to welcome the wing as a new commemorative addition to the Park for its anniversary: “Design has been increasingly important in the current industrial society, not only making life better, but also bringing spirit. During the initial stage of the museum founding, we have formed a steady and sound cooperation with COO, whose creative design and rigorous work attitude pairs well with such powerful and unconstrained glass artworks.”