COO Sponsors TNR for 26 Stray Cats

The COO team has been visiting and helping take care of street cats in our neighborhood, particularly in Huashan Park. Over the years, the team has befriended the kind neighbors who feed the cats as well as the fluffy friends. As we celebrate this year full of joy, we would also like to make contribution to our community. COO sponsored a TNR operation to help manage the feline population in a humane way. TNR stands for Trap-Neuter-Return. It is a standard operation that involves capturing the cats and send them for neutering operation at a clinic. After they recover in about a week, the cats then will be released back to where they used to live. Neutering stray cats will prevent the cats being handled inhumanely, overpopulation and lower the spread of diseases. With the help of kind neighbors and a professional catcher, COO team had helped capturing 26 cats in total. All the cats are well and will undergo neutering surgery this week then be released back to the park.