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MuseumNext Interviews Tilman Thürmer on SHMOG NXT Virtual Experience

MuseumNext采访 迪尔曼 图蒙谈论SHMOG NXT虚拟体验

MuseumNext recently interviewed Tilman Thürmer, Design Director and Vice President of the Shanghai Museum of...
‘This Shanghai zero-waste glass recycling exhibition gives a masterclass in circularity.’


BOB Magazine special


Korea’s leading design magazine dedicated COO a 34-pages special that covers some of our latest...
Nike Studio Beijing featured in “Health and Beauty”

《Health and Beauty》收录北京耐克工作室

‘Just like a beach, the restaurant provides distinct seating options within its 400 sq-m: first,...
Interiors Black and White: Keep it Glassy

设计杂志 Interiors 黑白特辑:《Keep It Glassy 》展览

Korean design magazine Interiors features the exhibition series COO’s exhibition Keep it Glassy in its...
‘China – The New Creative Power in Architecture’ features Shanghai Museum of Glass

《China - New Creative Power in Architecture》介绍上海玻璃博物馆

In a newly released book by the renowned Swiss publisher Braun, COO is featured for...